Reorganization 2023 – Overview and Invitation to get involved

All PCOs and Members of the 5th District Democrats are invited to join us for our 2023 virtual Reorganization Meeting on Wednesday, January 18th at 7:00 PM via Zoom.

The Zoom room will open at 6:30 PM for those requiring technical assistance or wishing to socialize before the meeting begins.  Please pre-register at least 24 hours before the meeting, using this link:

What is Reorganization? Each Democratic organization in Washington State — legislative district, county, and state — serves for a two-year term. At the end of each even-year election cycle, every organization dissolves its leadership and holds elections to fill a new Executive Board. This is known as Reorganization.

Who participates? Any Democrat who lives in Washington’s 5th Legislative District is invited to participate. Elected PCOs* are eligible to vote for all 5th District Democrats Executive Board positions at the Reorganization Meeting. All members (PCO’s and dues paying members) of the 5th Dems are eligible to vote for certain Executive Board positions and all Standing Committee Chair positions. If you paid membership dues for 2022, your membership remains active through the end of January 2023. If you wish to join now, you must do so by December 28, 2022 to have voting rights at the Reorganization Meeting.  Join here.

How do I run for a position? Any Democrat who is a resident of the 5th LD may run for any seat on the Executive Board. Learn more about available positions here. While nominations from the floor will be possible during the meeting, anyone interested in running for a position is highly encouraged to submit a self-nomination form in advance. This allows ballots to be prepared prior to the meeting.  You may (but are not required to) submit a written candidate statement of 200 words or less. Statements will be posted on our website here. The deadline to complete the nomination form is 11:59 pm on Jan. 15, 2023 to be included on the website for members to read prior to the meeting. The self-nomination form can be found here.

What if more than one person files for a position? During the meeting, candidates in contested races will have up to 2 minutes to speak in favor of their candidacy (with the option to yield all or part of their time to other speakers). If any candidate has concerns (technology-related or otherwise) about being able to speak during the virtual meeting, please reach out to [email protected] as soon as possible.

Need meeting accommodations? If you need any accommodations to be able to participate fully in this meeting, please send an email to [email protected] and let us know what kind of support you need.

The Proposed Agenda for Reorganization can be found here.

Proposed Meeting Rules, including details of voting procedures, can be found here.

Questions? Send an email to [email protected] with any questions regarding the Reorganization Meeting, Agenda, open Board positions, Voting, etc.

*Note: Elected PCOs are PCOs who filed in May and were either elected or unopposed in the August primary election and became PCOs effective Dec. 1, 2022. PCOs who were appointed during a 5th Dems meeting but did not file for election in May, are no longer considered PCOs as their term expired on Nov. 30, 2022. Elected PCOs are considered members of the 5th Dems, regardless of whether they pay dues or not.

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