Reorganization 2023 – Executive Board Leadership Positions

The following leadership positions will be up for election at our 2023 Reorganization Meeting of the 5th District Democrats on January 18, 2023. Any Democrat who is a resident of the 5th Legislative District can run for any Executive Board position. As we choose these leaders, we strive to include persons that represent the diversity of our district including gender, race, age, religion, sexual orientation, economic status, and ethnic origin, as well as the district’s diverse geographical areas, cities, and towns.

Statutory/Delegate Roles These mandatory positions are elected by a majority of votes cast by Elected PCOs present at the Reorganization Meeting. Elected PCOs are PCOs who filed with King County Elections in May 2022 and were sworn-in effective Dec. 1, 2022.

Chair: Serves as the executive officer of the organization. The chair presides at all meetings, forms committees, and appoints committee chairs, and designates members to perform any duties deemed necessary. The Chair is a voting member of the King County Democratic Central Committee (KCDCC) Executive Board and the Washington State Chairs organization in the state party.

First Vice-Chair: Serves in the absence of the Chair. In the 5th Dems, the First VC typically plans and runs a few general meetings per year. Serves as an alternate to the Chair, and third general alternate at the KCDCC Executive Board, and is encouraged to attend and participate in KCDCC Executive Board meetings. The First VC is also a non-voting representative of the organization to the Washington State Chairs organization (voting only if the Chair is not present and transfers voting power). In the 5th, the First VC typically also holds a committee leadership role. Consistent with the diversity targets of the WSDCC and KCDCC, the First VC should be of a different gender identity than the Chair, if possible.

State Committee Members (2 people, different genders): Serve as active district representatives to the Washington Democrats State Central Committee (WSDCC), which meets three weekends a year across the state. Are encouraged to serve on state caucuses and committees. Report back to 5th Dems membership about WSDCC activities.

KCDCC Delegates and Alternates (2 delegates of different genders + 2 alternates of different genders): Attend meetings of the King County Democratic Central Committee Board and report back to 5th Dems membership. Along with other business, the KCDCC delegates discuss and vote on resolutions and endorsements affecting King County. KCDCC meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month in the evening (currently meeting virtually but may meet in person). Alternates also have the ability to participate in discussions, even when not voting.

Young Democrats (1 delegate + 1 alternate): Represents the district to the King County and Washington State Young Democrats organizations and reports back to 5th Dems membership. KCYD meeting frequency varies – generally semi-monthly on weekends. Must be under the age of 36.

Additional Bylaw Roles These positions are elected by a majority of votes cast by 5th Dems members present at the Reorganization Meeting. Members include PCOs and people who have paid a membership fee in 2022. (Memberships paid in 2022 are valid through January 31, 2023.)

Second Vice-Chair: Serves in the absence of the Chair and First Vice Chair. Assists in planning and running meetings and performing other duties of the 5th Dems organization. The Second VC typically also holds a committee leadership role.

Secretary: Records the minutes of all General Membership and Executive Board meetings and prepares summaries for members. Works with Communications Chair to ensure messages get shared to members via 5th Dems channels including web site, email, and social media.

Treasurer: Manages the organization’s funds, writes checks to pay organization expenses, makes periodic budget reports to membership, and ensures that the organization adheres to all applicable requirements of the Public Disclosure Commission (the state agency that tracks campaign financing).

Current Standing Committee Chairs These positions are appointed by the Chair and approved by a majority of votes cast by 5th Dems members present. As they are not defined in the bylaws, there is flexibility on the specific committee roles. Members are welcome to suggest additional standing committee positions.

PCO: Coordinates and supports 5th Dems PCOs, working with PCO leads from key geographic areas; leads PCO recruitment and training; liaison to campaigns of candidates endorsed by the organization and coordinates canvasses for endorsed candidates who meet criteria; typically designs and coordinates mailing of PCO postcards and 5th Dems Get Out the Vote (GOTV) mailers.

Membership: Coordinates efforts to recruit and engage new and existing members. Validates membership for voting purposes, which typically involves maintaining and updating a membership spreadsheet and verifying voting credentials.

Communications: Shares timely and relevant information through communication channels including 5th Dems website, email, Facebook, and other social media.

Technology: Manages the organization’s technological needs, including maintaining website and email addresses and enabling virtual meetings and electronic voting.

Endorsements: Coordinates the process of intaking requests and considering/ recommending candidates and issues for potential endorsement by the membership.

Rules & Bylaws: Maintains bylaws and standing rules, suggesting revisions for consideration by the membership as needed.

Platform & Resolutions: Coordinates the process of intaking proposals and considering/recommending resolutions and platform positions for potential adoption by the membership.

Legislative Action & Advocacy: Coordinates efforts to advocate for 5th Dems positions and priorities with legislators and other elected representatives.

Environment: Monitors environmental issues and coordinates efforts to advocate for 5th Dems environmental positions with relevant elected and appointed officials.

Fundraising: Coordinates fundraising efforts for the organization; serves as liaison to Eastside Democrats fundraising efforts.

Events: Coordinates 5th Dems special events and volunteer participation in civic events such as parades and festivals; arranges facilities, booths, parties, as needed.

Diversity & Inclusion: Coordinates efforts to promote diversity and inclusion in the organization, including recruiting, welcoming, and engaging diverse members that reflect and represent our community.

Young Leaders: Coordinates efforts to increase membership and engagement of voters under age 36; recruits and supports younger candidates for elected office.

Please email [email protected] if you have questions or need more information about any of these positions. You can find the contact emails for the current officeholders at