Officers 2023-2024

The Executive Board for the 5th LD Democrats, elected at the 2023 Reorganisation Meeting.

2023NameContact email
ChairMary Newcomer Williams[email protected]
1st Vice ChairElliot Paull[email protected]
2nd Vice ChairAmy Hamrick[email protected]
TreasurerEric Durban[email protected]
SecretaryAnne Frances Owen[email protected]
State Committee Rep
(male identifying)
Tim Noonan[email protected]
State Committee Rep
(female identifying)
Jessica Soderman[email protected]
County Committee Rep
(male identifying)
Roger Ledbetter[email protected]
County Committee Rep
(female identifying)
Carol Lynn Harp[email protected]
County Committee Rep, Alternate
(male identifying)
KC Shankland[email protected]
County Committee Rep, Alternate
(female identifying)
Beth Bazley[email protected]
Young Democrats RepWaylon Menzia[email protected]
Young Democrats Rep, AlternateOpen[email protected]
Membership ChairElliot Paull[email protected]
PCO ChairAmy Hamrick[email protected]
Communications ChairJohna Thomson[email protected]
Technology ChairMartin Buckley[email protected]
Endorsement ChairBeth Bazley[email protected]
Rules & Bylaws ChairElliot Paull[email protected]
Platform & Resolutions ChairTim Noonan[email protected]
Legislative Advocacy ChairKC Shankland[email protected]
Environment ChairOpen[email protected]
Diversity & Inclusion ChairAlicia Busch[email protected]
Young Leaders ChairTanya Lavoy[email protected]
Events Co-ChairsBeth Bazley
Kathleen Heiman
Roger Ledbetter
[email protected]
Fundraising ChairOpen[email protected]

You can also contact us through USPS:
5th District Democrats
P.O. Box 1853
Issaquah, WA  98027

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