Tagged: General Meeting

General meeting (virtual)

General meeting (virtual)

All are welcome to join our general-membership meetings, which we hold on the third Wednesday of every month. For this meeting, we’ll meet over Zoom, and you must click here to register in advance....

General meeting (virtual)

General meeting (virtual)

All are welcome to join our general-membership meetings, which we hold on the third Wednesday of every month. For this meeting, we’ll meet over Zoom, and you must click here to register in advance....

VIRTUAL MEETING: 5th LD February General Membership Meeting

VIRTUAL MEETING: 5th LD February General Membership Meeting

Join our February General Membership Meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, Feb. 17, 6:30-9:00 PM. You must pre-register in advance for the Zoom meeting. Please register using this link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0uf-GpqDorGtRmdwb-1Vr4f3EaCZQTgoWF. Registered participants will receive Zoom...



We are replacing our December General Membership Meeting with a VIRTUAL holiday party! Our Young Leaders group is planning lots of fun activities to enable the socializing that we miss so much when we...

VIRTUAL MEETING: 5th LD October General Membership Meeting

VIRTUAL MEETING: 5th LD October General Membership Meeting

Join our October General Membership Meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, Oct. 21, 6:30-9:00 PM. You must pre-register in advance for the Zoom meeting. Please register using this link: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIsf–orDouGtcvxuf11EPudE9os4xuC5QU. Registered participants will receive Zoom...

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