Caucus 2018
Join us for the 2018 5th Legislative District Caucus!
When: 10:00am on March 24, 2018
Where: Lake Wilderness Elementary School – 24216 Witte Rd SE, Maple Valley, WA 98038
Who can participate?
- Any registered voter in the 5th Legislative District, willing to sign a registration sheet stating that they are a Democrat may participate, vote on any matter, and run for election as a delegate or alternate at the 5th LD Caucus.
- Democrats who are not registered voters may participate in discussions, but may not vote on any matter at the 5th LD Caucus.
The principal business of the 5th LD Caucus shall be the election of 9 delegates and 5 alternates to the 2018 Democratic State Convention, at the Wenatchee Convention Center, on June 15 & 16, 2018. These delegates and alternates will help shape the platform and resolutions for the State Democratic Party for 2018-2019, and will join the 5th LD Chair, State Committeewoman, and State Committeeman to represent the 5th LD at the State Convention .
Submit your platform and resolutions ideas, or request to volunteer to the Platform Committee here!
[contact-form to=”[email protected]” subject=”New Platform and Resolution Website Submission”][contact-field label=”Name” type=”name” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Email” type=”email” required=”1″][contact-field label=”Are you a 5th Legislative District Resident?” type=”radio” required=”1″ options=”Yes,No”][contact-field label=”Will you attend the Caucus on March 24?” type=”radio” required=”1″ options=”Yes,Maybe,No”][contact-field label=”Are you interested in becoming a delegate to the State Convention?” type=”radio” options=”Yes,Maybe,No”][contact-field label=”Would you like to join a planning committee?” type=”radio” options=”Yes,No”][contact-field label=”Message” type=”textarea” required=”1″][/contact-form]